My Weight Loss Journey from 227 Lbs!

January 13, 2025

 For several years now my weight has been going up and up. I want to change this destructive behavior, and I want to share it with you. I am 56 years old and I weigh 227 lbs as of my last Dr appt. I live with menopause everyday, and all the fun it brings, like mood changes, night & day sweats, low energy levels and my metabolism packed up and left a few years ago. 

All that aside, I am going to give it my best shot to change my life and my health.

My Why? 

This is my why and it is simple. I want to be around as long as I can for my family and friends. I've got things I want to do, and see. 
And at the rate I am going, these plans are not in my future.

I have been on blood pressure meds for years, but if I were to maintain a healthy weight maybe I could lower the dosage.

At my last Dr appt they shared these numbers with me:

Hemoglobin (A1C) 5.8 Range is 4.8-5.6

Alkaline Phosphate 166  Range is 44-121

Cholesterol 240 Range is 100-199

Triglycerides 255 Range is 0-149


My #1 goal is to not watch the scale on the daily. 
I think if I make better food choices, and move my body the scales will reflect that. Don't get me wrong my weight number is important, but I think they way my clothes fit will be a big motivation.

I really just want to feel better. 


I have a "home gym" with a treadmill and free weights. I am planning on watching workout videos when I can't get outside, or to the gym. 

Drink more water, lots more!

I love music and putting on some music and taking a walk outside will be nice.

Menu planning my meals and snacks, so that I am not rushing or unprepared and binge on garbage.   

I have signed up and paid for a yoga class, and want to make that a regular weekly goal.

I want to be more in control of my life, and turn off auto pilot.

Well, there it is. All my personal info just out here for all the world to see. As I share my journey, please feel free to encourage me. 
I am going to need all the help I can get. 

Also, you can follow my progress over on my 
Instagram page!


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