March 23, 2020

5 Easy Steps to Freezing Food

With everything that this world is currently facing, I thought about my Momma and how she always had a freezer full of food. It was always perfectly portioned and prepped and ready to go, at a moment's notice. 

Sundays were the day when family and friends would gather at her house to enjoy some of her delicious cooking and if more people than she planned for showed up, she would tell me, "just go out in the freezer and pull something". My Momma always knew what was in the freezer and it saved her many times over the years. She never let one guest know that she didn't have enough, because she always had enough, it was just in the freezer.

Why should you freeze food

Freezing food saves money and you can buy and freeze seasonal foods any time of the year

Freezing foods help with the meal planning

Reduces waste on foods that can be reheated

Saves time as you can cook things that are in the freezer ahead of time

What can you freeze

Ready to eat meals(lasagna, quiche, etc)

How to store food in the freezer

Using freezer storage bags is the most efficient way to freeze food and they prevent foods from becoming freezer burned and they keep the smells of the freezer out. 

Vegetables and herbs need to be washed and chopped prior to freezing. 

*TIP-freeze herbs in ice trays with just enough water to cover them, then toss in a freezer bag for easy storage and you can easily grab a cube or two of fresh herbs as needed.

What Not To Do

Do not freeze in glass jars unless the jars are freezer safe.

Never, ever use hot water to defrost a frozen item as you run the risk of cooking the food and losing flavor and don't even get me started on the food temperature DANGER ZONE. Remember I'm a lunch lady and I have plenty to say about keeping your food safe.


Make sure you label the items in the freezer with a name, date and maybe prep directions. Also, keep a list of what is in your freezer to help with meal planning. 

I know these times are going to hopefully change our world for the better, and I mean in a good way like having more Sunday dinners, freezing food and enjoying staying home again and loving each other just a little harder, tomorrow is a gift, not a promise.

Y'all stay safe and stay home!

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