Motivational Monday-Shaking the End of Summer Blues!

July 15, 2019

Well technically summer is not over until September, but our version of summer vacation is coming like a fast-moving train. See, I only work during the school year and I am off in the summer. 
It is a beautiful thing. This is our first summer ever that the calendar changed and kids come back Aug 6th
I went to work in the Middle School Cafeteria when my son was in 7th grade and he is now 20 years old(insert sad Momma face here)
I never knew that I would fall in love with my job the way I did.
But here I am all these years later loving every day and still enjoying my summers off.

How to Shake the End of Summer Blues

CBS News did a story on the Summer Blues here.
 Yes, that feeling you get is a real thing and everyone goes through it on one level or another.

Here are some tips to help you deal with what I call 
"Autumn Anxiety"

Go Outside- 
I learned this one a few years ago and really started enjoying the cooler air and the way mother nature slowly starts to change herself

After all those summer days of up early and to bed late your body needs rest. Give your body what it needs.

Take it Easy on Yourself-
you are only one person and you don't have to do it all. Just do what you can and that will be enough. 
Go back and check out this post I did here on Creating a nighttime routine for a better nights sleep.

How to Shake the End of Summer Blues

Schedule a road trip-
the excitement of going away sometimes can set your mood right in place.

As the time to get up early, pack lunches, have a schedule and routine again approach at least you can be a little better prepared in advance of the chaos.

We all struggle those first few weeks, so take it easy on yourself, the kids, the teachers and really everyone because we are all in this back to school thing together.

My favorite part of back to school is shopping for supplies.
What is your favorite part? 
Drop your comments below I love reading your responses.

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